Club Bylaws

*Club bylaws have been approved by the BoD on August 17, 2021.


Article I – General

A.  Name: The organization shall be called the Trop Republic Parrot Head Club.

B.  Purpose: The purpose of the organization is to promote the Trop Republic Parrot Head Club as a humanitarian group sharing community and environmental information for majority approved mutual benefits. The organization will engage in activities which are charitable, educational, high spirited, and promote the general welfare of the community.

C.  Statement of Purpose: Trop Republic PHC is a not for profit organization dedicated to preserving and improving the environment, active in community oriented projects and concerns as a means of social interaction with like-minded people interested in the lifestyle and music of Jimmy Buffett, Trop Rock genre with a tropical spirit.

D.  DISCLAIMER: We are recognized by but in no way attached to Jimmy Buffett and his business interests in Key West, New Orleans, Charleston, and Orlando. We are not associated with HK Management, MCA Records, Island Records, Mailboat Records, or Margaritaville Records. We would like to stress that Mr. Buffett’s name, his song titles, lyrics, names of businesses owned by Mr. Buffett, and the term “Parrot Head” are all registered trademarks and should not be used for the pursuit of profit. Clubs are allowed to use the term “Parrot Head” on t-shirts, etc., but NOT Jimmy Buffett’s name.

Article II – Membership and Dues

A.  Club Membership: Membership in Trop Republic PHC shall be open to all, regardless of sex, creed, national origin or sexual preference. A member will be considered in good standing so long as their dues are current.

B.  Dues: The annual dues of Trop Republic PHC will be as follows:

1. The annual dues will be accepted continuously throughout the year. Ongoing dues will be collected once a year during the month of January. To be considered in good standing, dues must be paid by Jan 30th of each year.

2. Dues renewals are due not later than the end of the first month following each dues cycle.

3. Membership renewal notices will be paid online via PayPal or Vimeo.

4. Membership will entitle a member to a membership certificate, welcome letter, Trop Republic PHC identification, and receipt of the Club newsletter.

5. Effective July 1, 2020 cost:

Individual: $20.00

Couple: $25.00

Family: $30.00 per household.

An individual member is considered to be one adult head of household at a single address. A couple is considered two adults in a relationship living at a single address.  A family is considered to be two adults and any dependent children (16 and under) living at a single address

C.  Denial of Membership: The Board of Directors may deny membership in Trop Republic PHC to any person whom the entire Board of Directors determines by a unanimous vote, does not meet the requirements for membership.

D. Conduct: All members agree to recognize and adhere to the attached “Code of Conduct”. Infractions to the “Code” are subject to actions as stated in Section VI. B.

Article III – Meetings

A. Social Meetings: The Club shall attempt to schedule at least one social event each month. These events can include some type of charity fund -raising event.

B. Business Meetings:  General Business Meetings will occur at least every other month. These meetings will be conducted by the Club President or in their absence, a designated member of The Board of Directors. Any member in good standing may attend the business meeting and will conduct themselves in a professional manner or be asked to leave the meeting until they feel they can conduct themselves in a professional manner. All club decisions at the business meeting will be by a simple majority vote of those present. Minutes will be taken at all meetings and reported out at the following meeting. All meetings will be held within the geographical boundaries of the club.

C. Board of Directors Meetings: The Board will meet on a monthly basis. Minutes from these Board of Directors meetings will be made available to all members in good standing and reported out at the next general business meeting.

Article IV – Chapter Officers, Executive Board and Elections

A. Officers and Elections

            1. Officers: The club will elect the following officers for a two-year term under the conditions listed below; President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership.  The President and Treasurer shall be elected in the odd years, The others (Vice President, Secretary and Membership) shall be elected in the even years.

            2. Election Officer: Board of Directors shall appoint an Election Officer, not currently on the Board of Directors, to conduct and oversee the next election procedure on or before Nov. 30. The Election Officer shall operate within the guidelines provided by the Board of Directors. The Election Officer shall maintain the privacy and integrity of all assigned duties. The decision of the Election Officer shall be final.

            3. Nominations: The Election Officer shall mail or email a “call for nominations” to all members in good standing for all offices to be elected in the upcoming year on or before Dec. 15. This notice will include the offices to be elected, the dates and terms of the upcoming election and a statement that the election will be by ballots voting for a simple majority. Nominations may be sent in writing to the club address of record, postmarked no later than Dec. 31, by email or in person at the January general Business Meeting. Qualified nominees, as determined by TR By-laws and/or Board of Directors, shall be placed on the ballot.

            4. Elections: The Election Officer shall mail, via US Mail, or email ballots to all members in good standing on or before Jan. 31. A single membership shall receive one ballot and a family membership shall receive two ballots. Each ballot shall include the name of the member for whom it is intended. The ballot will include all offices to be elected and all qualified nominees for each office. It shall also contain the name of the Election Officer and an address, or email address to where they can be mailed. All mailed ballots must be received by the Election Officer postmarked no later than Feb. 28. Ballots may also be delivered directly to the Election Officer in person at the March general Business Meeting. Final results of the election shall be tabulated before the end of the March Business Meeting and announced at that time. The Election Officer shall then seal all ballots to be maintained for 30 days and then destroyed in accordance with the election Officer duties in A.2.          

B. Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors consist of the Club President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and all Founders. The Board of Directors will be responsible for ensuring all club activities are conducted within the guidelines of Parrot Head in Paradise Inc. and the Club Statement of Purpose as outlined in Article I-B. The board will be empowered to make decisions between business meetings to ensure these goals are met. All decisions will be by consensus, with each member having one vote. The President may serve as a tie breaker if consensus cannot be reached. Any and all Board decisions will be reported at the next general business meeting. The Board will act on recommendations received from the general membership at the general business meetings and forward projects/concepts to the general membership at the general business meetings. All votes of the Board of Directors are subject to an 80% quorum of the Board of Directors.

C. Responsibilities of Officers:

President: The President shall

  1. Have such powers and duties as are usually exercised by such an office.
  2. Be Executive Officer of the Club and preside at all general business meetings, special meetings, and meetings of the Board of Directors.
  3. Assign the individual responsibilities of the Vice President.
  4. Work with Committee Chairpersons and Vice President in order to help ensure all assigned tasks are completed in a timely manner.
  5. Have the power to call Special Meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors.
  6. Appoint, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and except as provided elsewhere in these bylaws, members to the Standing and Special Committees, including vacancies.
  7. Deal with other matters as may be placed in his or her charge by the Executive Committee or membership.
  8. Deal with and try to resolve complaints and issues within the Club and with PHiP.
  9. Serve as liaison with PHiP or designate this role to another member of the Board of Directors on a case by case basis. 

Vice President: The Vice President shall

  1. In the absence of the President, have the powers and duties of the President.
  2. Serve as Liaison with other parrot head clubs and Trop Republic PHC committees.
  3. Serve as Liaison and member of the ticket committee.
  4. Deal with other matters and or powers that are delegated to the position by the President or the Executive Board.
  5. Work to ensure all PHiP/local charity guidelines are met.
  6. Serve as the Liaison with SWIM for as long as the club is aligned.

Secretary: The Secretary shall:

  1. Ensure that minutes are recorded at all business and Board of Directors meetings.
  2. Perform other duties as designated by the President and Board of Directors.
  3. The Secretary will post the minutes from the monthly General Business Meeting via group email list (or other standard email distribution method) within fourteen days of the meeting. Copies will also be available upon request of any member in good standing via individual email.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall

  1. Record and keep track of all financial functions and transactions.
  2. Balance account, issue checks for all charities and expenditures, based on receipts supplied.
  3. Confirm all membership dues.
  4. Other duties as designated by the President and Board of Directors.

Social: The Social Director shall:

  1. Manage all social events.
    1. Including scheduling and contacting venues
    2. Work with the membership to gather volunteers
    3. Collect needed funds or find a way to fund events
  2. Ensure there is at least one social event each month.
  3. Work with membership on new events
  4. Add events to the website’s social calendar and social media sites.

Membership: The Membership Director shall:

  1. Manage the membership.
  2. Update and manage membership database
    1. Add new members
    2. Remove old members / unpaid
    3. Maintain membership roles and renewals, and communicate all changes to Board of Directors on a monthly basis
  3. Work with the Treasurer to ensure membership lists are accurate and renewals are sent out on time.
  4. For new members, send welcome packet
  5. Maintain and manage merchandise
  6. Create new ways to increase membership and drives, this includes working with a committee to help increase membership base.

D.  Eligibility Requirements: All Officers / Board of Directors shall be members in good standing for a period of no less than one year prior to nomination/appointment.

E.  Vacancies: Vacancies in all positions can be created by resignation, abandonment of duties (as further defined), or by violation of any articles of the by-laws. A position shall be defined as abandoned if the officer is absent from all business meetings without just cause for a period of three consecutive months. Persons filling vacated positions shall be appointed for the duration of the term by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

F.  Abandonment and just cause will be determined by a unanimous vote of all Board Members and Founders.

Article V – Committees

A. General: The following standing committees are established in order to maximize involvement and participation of the Club members. Web Page, social media, Newsletter, Events, Merchandise, Membership. Other special committees may be established by the President, Board of Directors and/or general membership to deal with specific projects.

B. Committee Roles: The purpose of all committees is to ensure that day to day functions and special events are completed in a timely manner. To this end the committees, working under a Chair person, are given the detailed responsibility of specific events and activities. The committees are expected to work closely with the Executive Board on all projects/events. They are also required to keep the President and Board informed of all plans and progress.

  1. Social Media & Web – Maintain and keep the club website current. Maintain all social media platforms and ensure content is relevant.
  2. Newsletter – Ensure the Club newsletter is published at least four times a year, normally January, April, July and October delivery.
  3. Merchandise – Maintain an adequate supply of club merchandise with proceeds going toward funding Trop Republic PHC events.
  4. Events: Help the Social Director with all planned social events.

Article VI – Miscellaneous

A. Adoption of Bylaws: These bylaws have been approved by a majority of members in good standing at a general business meeting. Future modifications/amendments to the bylaws will be researched and proposed by a specially appointed Committee. Approval of changes shall be accomplished according to procedures as described in Article IV.A. and included as a referendum on the election ballot.

B. Infractions of Bylaws :

            1. Any current Trop Republic PHC member may submit in writing only (signed, dated and clearly written), within 30 days of the occurrence of the stated infraction/s, to the Trop Republic Board of Directors, a detailed statement regarding the alleged infraction/s of the Trop Republic PHC By-Laws, by any other current Trop Republic PHC member.

            2. The Board will inform, by letter, the Trop Republic PHC member of the alleged infraction/s against them, along with the name of the member who has submitted the infraction. The member will be given 30 days to provide a written response to the Board. If the member chooses not to respond within 30 days, the Board will move forward to a decision without the member’s input.

            3. At the next scheduled Trop Republic PHC Board of Directors meeting, after the 30-day deadline, the Board will evaluate the alleged infraction/s and make one of the following decisions: A. No Action – The alleged infraction has been considered by the Board and the Board will take no action. B. Action – The alleged infraction has been considered by the Board and action is being taken as determined by a unanimous decision of the Board of Directors. The specific action is entirely left to the discretion of the Executive Board and is to be based only upon the stated infraction.

            4. If action is taken against a Trop Republic PHC member for an infraction/s of the Trop Republic PHC By-Laws, the member will be informed in writing within 30 days of the Trop Republic Board of Directors decision. The member who submitted the original statement of alleged infraction/s shall be provided with a copy of the Board’s decision.

            5. The Board of Directors may suspend from Trop Republic PHC any member whom the entire Board of Directors determines no longer meets the requirements for membership set forth in Article II of these By-Laws and/or “Code of Conduct”. This must be done by a unanimous vote. The vote suspends such member’s membership in Trop Republic PHC and all rights and privileges associated therewith.

            6. At the next scheduled Trop Republic PHC meeting, the membership shall be informed of the decision, and the information will be properly recorded in the minutes.

            7. Trop Republic PHC Executive Board decisions are considered final.

C. Trop Republic PHC Concert Point System:

The point year will run from the first event after the local Jimmy Buffett concert until the points are due for ticket purchase. No more than 2 tickets per member household will be available to the highest earners. This figure may be adjusted by the Board of Directors based on ticket availability. Ties may be broken by lottery. All qualified members will be given a deadline for purchase of these tickets. Tickets must be paid for at time of request. If that deadline passes the opportunity to purchase will go to the member with the next highest total. All points will be awarded as per the following schedule subject to approval by the Board of Directors:


  1. Officers/Committee Chairs: 10 pts (including newsletter editor);
  2. Committee Chairs: 5 pts (including newsletter editor);
  3. Organize Charity Event: 5 pts;
  4. Actively serve on any Committee: 5 pts;
  5. Participate in charity function, community projects, assist in planning/running happy hours: 3pts;
  6. Special Contributions/Projects (e.g. write newsletter article, attend general business meeting, contribute prizes): 2pts.
  7. Attend the Northeast Regional Parrot Head Convention: 2pts
  8. Attend any club sanctioned social event: 1pt

Additional points may be issued for other activities as determined by the Board of Directors.

D. Altruism: Events and/or activities sponsored by the Trop Republic PHC will have a portion of the proceeds raised donated to a designated charity. The club will donate time and/or money to at least one local charity each year. The club will be involved in at least one environmental cause a year. The Events Committee has the responsibility to make recommendations to the general membership as to which charities to support. Individuals may also recommend charities and should do so through the Charity Director.

E. Trop Republic PHC Expenditures/Reimbursements/Budgets: Trop Republic PHC members wishing to be reimbursed or approved for expenditures for Trop Republic PHC related activities such as, but not limited to; construction materials, necessary supplies for official club events, other official and/or club sponsored functions, prior to spending moneys shall:

Obtain approval, in writing, from any Board of Directors member for expenditures not to exceed $50.00.

Obtain approval, in writing, from the Board of Directors for expenditures of $50.01 to $999.99

Obtain approval, in writing, from the Board of Directors for expenditures of $1000.00 or more and, in addition, expenditures of $1000.00 or more shall not be approved by the Board of Directors without first obtaining a vote of approval from the membership at a general business meeting.

To obtain reimbursement, the member shall submit the written approval along with the receipts to the Treasurer. Reimbursement requests submitted after the adoption of this subsection will not be granted without meeting all of the requirements of this subsection. No exceptions. Trop Republic PHC members who anticipate incurring expenses for club related activities should (after obtaining proper Board approval) seek to have the company invoice the club directly for the amount due. If this is not possible, then submit the receipts to the Treasurer as indicated in the last paragraph.

End of Document